Mass Schedule
Sunday Liturgies
Rosary at 4:30 pm
Vigil Mass at 5:00 pm
Rosary at 9:30 am
Mass at 10:00 am
Rosary in Spanish at 12:00
Mass in Spanish 12:30 pm
Weekday Liturgies
Tuesday and Friday – Mass at 12:30 pm
Thursday - Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet* At 5:00 pm followed by Mass
First Wednesday of each Month – Mass at 10:00 am at Oakbrook Healthcare
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of each Month 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday, 4:00 pm
By appointment at other times
Holy Day Masses
6:00 pm English
7:00 pm Spanish
Children’s Rosary
The Children’s Rosary starts at 5:45 pm on Wednesdays, (When Faith Formation classes begin.)
Masses at Wellspring
Monday – Friday, 6:45 am
Sunday, 5:00 pm
*Thursday Rosary and Diving Mercy Chaplet
The Rosary and Diving Mercy Chaplet is prayed every Thursday at 5:00 pm in the church or by telephone conference call. Mass Immediately follows. If you wish to join by telephone, call the office for details.
COVID-19 Status
Updated March 19, 2021
The General dispensation from the Obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation has been Withdrawn.
Prince of Peace is celebrating all liturgies on schedule, with best practices for cleaning and social distancing fully implemented. "One does not have an obligation to attend Mass if you are sick or in a high-risk category for COVID-19; if you were recently in contact with a sick person; if you care the sick or homebound; if you are pregnant; or if you have a significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill by being at Mass."
903 E Main Street, Whitehouse, TX 75791
About Our Parish
Prince of Peace Catholic Church is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tyler. Our parish is located on Main Street in Whitehouse, Texas.
The administration and pastoral care of our community is entrusted to the Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales (M.S.F.S), also known as Fransalian Missionaries. The Fransalians are an international Religious Order with headquarters in Rome and the Provincial House in Atlanta, Georgia.
We are a vibrant, caring, and diverse community that seeks to pray, worship, and serve together in the building up of the Kingdom of God.
Safe Environment
Parental supervision of children keeps them safe, including when they are in church or on church grounds. If need be during Mass, escort your children to the restroom, wait for them, and return to your seat with them.
If you know or suspect that a minor or vulnerable adult is currently being abused or is in danger, immediately report it to state/local law enforcement or the TX Department of Family and Protective Services at (800) 252-5400 or txabusehotline.org. The Diocese of Tyler is committed to respecting the dignity of all persons and to helping anyone who may have been hurt or abused by a priest, deacon, religious, or anyone working in the name of the Church. Any current or past cases of abuse involving Church Personnel should be reported to civil authorities and also to the victim assistance coordinator at (903) 266-2159 or vac@dioceseoftyler.org.
Get Involved
We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Faith Community.
For Adults
Altar Society, Counters, Cursillistas, Knights of Columbus, Prayer Group, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Sacristans, Ground Maintenance, Proclaimers, Eucharistic Ministers.
Our Lady of Grace Altar Society meets routinely in the Parish Hall the First Tuesday of each month September - May. The next meeting will be, Tuesday Sept. 10th at 6:00 pm in the parish hall.
All women of the parish are invited.
Knights of Columbus
If you're interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, growing in your faith, or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.